This privacy policy explains what personal data is, what type of personal data we collect, the purposes for which this data is collected and what rights you have in this regard. Your privacy is extremely important for us. You can rest assured that your personal data is handled with care.

By allowing us to use cookies in accordance with this policy when you first visit our site, you consent to the use of cookies every time you visit our website.

A. Scope of Privacy Policy
1. OnLifEm psychotherapy sessions are held on the “online” platform in accordance with the requirements set out in the Regulation of the American Psychological Association (APA).
2. OnLifEm requests some of your personal information from you at the membership stage and later. The information you provide will not be used in any way other than the rules and purposes specified in the Distance Service Agreement and Privacy Policy and will not be shared with third parties and institutions. However, it reserves the right to share your personal information in cases that require legal necessity, such as a court decision.
3. Sessions are not recorded.
4. All information of clients is kept confidential. The information of the client, including first-degree relatives, is not shared, except for the cases specified in the Informed Consent Form.
5. OnLifEm takes all measures to protect the information in the environment. But despite this, the damage that will arise due to the structure of the internet does not belong to the
6. The credit card information requested on the payment page is not stored on OnLifEm servers in any way in order to keep the security of users at the highest level. In this way, all transactions for payment are made between the bank and your computer via the OnLifEm interface.
7. OnLifEm websites and applications may contain links to third party websites and plug-ins, such as a social media login plug-in. OnLifEm is not responsible for the content or practices of these websites, plugins or services. The collection, use and disclosure of your personal data will be governed by the privacy policies of third parties, not this Privacy Policy.
8. OnLifEm websites and applications are not intended for persons under the age of eighteen (18). Therefore, it never aims to attract children's attention. Persons under the age of eighteen (18) must obtain explicit parental consent before accessing any data or service.
B. Changes to the Privacy Policy
OnLifEm may change or update this Privacy Policy as necessary to reflect changes in our products and services, changes in applicable legislation, regulations or practices, and to address customer feedback. Accordingly, please review at regular intervals.
If there are material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by posting a notice on our site or by sending a notice to you.

C. Use of OnLifEm Personal Data
Personal information that is collected while becoming a member is used for the following situations:
To provide the information and services you request from us,
To complete member login, confirm your appointment and send you instant notification before your session starts,
To provide similar information about previously contacted services or to notify you of changes in the service,
Also, to communicate non-marketing email notifications that you have requested,
To send you our e-mail newsletter if you have requested it (You can notify us at any time if you do not want the newsletter).
Your personal data can also be used to keep our site secure and prevent fraud.
E. OnLifEm Personal Data Retention
1. The (personal) information you provide to us cannot be kept longer than the stated purpose requirement. 
2. Personal data related to our services are stored and used for three (3) years from the last service date for other purposes such as providing you with personal benefits or customized marketing to you upon your consent. Personal data about your use of our site or applications are stored and used for three (3) years from the date you were last active while using our site or applications. 
3. With no regard to other provisions, the right to keep the documents that contain personal data (including electronic documents) longer may arise in the cases mentioned in this article: in situations where it is legally required; if the documents are related to ongoing or potential legal processes, and to protect, enforce and defend our rights (for the purposes of fraud prevention).
F. Your Rights
1. The user of has the right to access and own the article in a readable format, including the use of personal data provided by cookies and their rights.
2. You can request your personal data to be updated or deleted. You can contact us via e-mail or contact number in the contact section for a request for changes or deletion of your personal data. If there is no legal obstacle to your request to delete your personal data, it will be completely deleted within three (3) months. 

A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a site and allows us to do the following: (1) Facilitate the use of OnLifEm; (2) to customize our psychotherapy services in a better way according to your needs, (3) to search and analyze. This data is not information that can allow us to identify you. Each member will be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of this privacy policy by using this service or by visiting the website. 

Contact information
If you have questions about this Privacy Policy or the processing of your personal data, please contact us at 

Last Updated: 01.01.2022